Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Rose Quartz.

Pale pastel pinkish stone.

It is believed that, this will projects the vibration of love energy when carry it around with you.

A pair of mandarin ducks, a symbol of union.

Love and eternity, forever and ever.

As I was choosing the right kind of pendant, I looked for a pair of ducks which is similarly masculine. It's a guy-to-guy kind of love - not the kind of yin and yang.

Both must be equally dominant.

Yea, my last resort as I have no any ideas on how to find this complex thing call love.

All it takes, I believe is a positive thinking in hope that - yes, there's love for me out there.
06 Mar 2013


Da Closet Guy said...

Seems like good news ahead? (:

Ash Godiva said...

lemme bless you *raise magic wand*

ok done!love is on it's way:D

Chen Xing said...

@Da Closet Guy: Haha, hope so.

Where have you been ? Been pretty quiet the past week.


@Ash Godiva: Thanks.


Da Closet Guy said...

I'm around. Still reading/stalking blogs here and there. Probably less twitting. Lol... Did you "miss" my presence. Lol... *thick face mode*

Chen Xing said...

@Da Closet Guy: Haha, ya. "Missed" your presence.

Anyway, probably you are busy with work...
