Friday, March 8, 2013

If you were to ask me, I'll be honest.

The past week is just nothing more than work.

Been thinking once again, and somehow I must not be quiet about it.

My manger left almost 2 months ago, and hereby they dump everything on me.

A one-man show kind of thing.

So yesterday, decided to walk into my boss room and asked her - what's her plan ?

She gave 2 options, in which to me both also will benefit me.

Question is, how fast can she get either of the option being materialized ? Probably will go to her again next week for the deadline.

On a side note, been preparing myself for a back-up plan. Yup, been having a chat or two with other companies.

Lets just hope that either way it turns out, it turns out to be the right choice.

08 Mar 2013


Danny said...

all the best to u .. work wise and love life :)

Twohornschild said...

Your decision to take actions is already the right choice. Admirable and yeah... wish you all the luck too.

JokerPJ said...

belanja makan~

Da Closet Guy said...

Promotion ahead, it seems. Else a raise if you switch. Whatever it is, seems like good news (:

Chen Xing said...

@Danny: Thank you. I think work wise only.

Love life...hmm...will keep you updated.

@two horns child: True, can be keep on giving and not receiving acknowledgements on the work I do.


@JokerPJ: I will. If there's a promotion/increment.


@Bro: Yup, win win situation.
