Monday, January 2, 2012

First post of the year and am typing it out with a little bitter sweet memory.

Somewhat reluctant.

In few hours time I'll be heading back to the city and back to work after a week-off from the busy life. It's been truly a wonderful final week of the year 2011 - having to spend it with my family members and close friends. And that will always be the fuel to what's I am doing.

At least at the end of the day I know I still have them to dive into for comfort and some tender loving care.

It's only the second day of the year, hence can't really predict the tone that is going to be for this year.

For sure, I'll be home again in 2 weeks time for the Chinese New Year celebration.

Bitter and sweet, I can never combine those flavours into one taste.
02 Jan 2012


soul232 said...

Keep up the good post and have a blessed year ahead :)

Twohornschild said...

Bitter sweet is like coffee. It's a fabulous flavor. Well the ups and downs keps us going on. May you have fantabulous year ahead.

the viennamese said...

It's like dark chocolate. Yummy!

Chen Xing said...

@soul232: Thanks for the words of encouragement. And thanks again for dropping by this humble blog of mine.


@two horns child: Thanks, and I do like coffee but won't drink it without adding sugar.

So, how's life treating you lately ?

@Ev. C: Aiks, now you got me craving for it already.