Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Arghhhhh !!!

The car is giving me problems again. At least that's what I felt just now, on the way back from home.

Drove through the tunnel, and suddenly I could feel the "jerking" sensation. Not so physically though, but then sensing it coming from the engine side. It's not the obvious jerk whereby you sway left right, front back - but something is just not right at the front.

So, Wednesday till Friday, I will have to pick a day and send the car to the workshop.

Not sure how much it's going to cost, one thing for sure better get it fixed before the whole engine come hauling down.

Why ? Why ? Why ?

It has been a peaceful and stress-free car ride for the past 4-5 months, and now this.

Yikes! *facepalm*


J-boy said...

Machines are like that.. wear and tear.. Glad that you noticed the signs and send it for fixing before the car breaks down!

JokerPJ said...

Hope it wont hurt your wallet too much...

good that you notice things early...

soul232 said...

How old already the car? consider getting a new one if it's way too old d? =)

ooi2009 said...

how to lose my boobs !

are-5th said...

i'm such a blonde when it comes to cars ....

malimo said...

sounds like you got mis-firing in the combustion chamber for a lot of reasons.

Chen Xing said...

@J-boy: Yup, sent it to the workshop the next day itself.


@JokerPJ: Surprisingly, it costed me only 30 bucks.


@soul232: If not mistaken it's into 8 years. Ya, once done paying will trade in for a new car.

@ooi2009: Exercise more ?

@are-5th: Me too, but then after few rounds of "paying" got no choice but to learn.

@malimo: Errr, yup.
