Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My Internet connection seems pretty slow nowadays.

I swear that for a page to load, I can have few quickies and one perfect moment of passionate love making session. Don't really know what's causing the line to be slow. Blame it on me for delaying a couple of days in making the payment, or it is simply just that bad.

This explains the short hiatus of me from the blog sphere. Every time when I try to update an entry, I was unable to load the page.

Don't worry, more updates coming right up.
13 Oct 2010


tuls said...

haha.. awesome.. my workload is getting heavier by day dah.. hm.. i think i wont be that frequent in updating already.. yish...

you going marketplace this weekend?

Chen Xing said...

Not sure yet, few of my friends are on vegetarian don't know whether they want to go or not.

Why? Want to meet up?

tuls said...

hahahaa.. i might be going.. im not sure yet.. if i get into the fabulous top 50 list then i go lor.. but have to see whether bubu is going or not.. hahaha..

i go there to cardio only :) so if you can spot the guy thats dancing like crazy on the dancefloor like a slut and doesnt care how he looks like then maybe thats me :) haha..

Chen Xing said...

Hmmm..then I think I have seen you before dee.

*Hint* *Hint* ;)

tuls said...

seriously? describe me prease!!

Chen Xing said...

Err..2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 nose, 1 mouth...and so on lo..

I said I think might have seen you only...but then Marketplace dance floor always that crowded...

Chen Xing said...

You see, now I am addicted to that Charice song already. Keep on looping it non-stop.

The song is so describing me right now...

tuls said...

hak dou ngo yat tiu hahahaahah.. ohkay.. charice is like the new diva of the century or something.. haha.. that song is so addictive!! see you if i see you la then,,