Tuesday, August 20, 2013

So was kind of inspired by the latest episode of America's Next Top Model, whereby all the models underwent a makeover.

Of course, given a choice, I would like to have a icy-blonde as a colour to my hair dye. Then again, due to wok and to maintain a certain level of professionalism, I better not do that.

At that point, walking in to the hair studio - one thing in my mind. A short hairdo, trim, keep it short so that it's easier to manage.

Grabbed a magazine and read. Looked at the cover, and it was Men's Health.

Looked at the model on the cover, it's Tom Brady.

So ya, I requested for the exact, somewhat similar style from the stylist.

Sigh, cut here cut there...in the end, all I got was the K-pop star kind of hairstyle.

Not quite sure, but I believe that tomorrow I will be able to style my hair just like Tom.



Anonymous said...

asian can hardly have hairstyle like Europeans due to the fact that our symmetry of forehead or head is somewhat downright different from them. They tend to have long stretched forehead but we don't. That's why we always tend to have k-pop hairstyle instead of american hairstyle.

Chen Xing said...

@Izach Olivera: Haha, true.

Am now slowly adapting to this new "style" of mine.
