Monday, August 26, 2013

Oh god.

Please help me.

I overspent. Literally.

Though can say that my short weekend trip off the country contributed a little to the shortness, somehow I have really been buying things for the past few weeks.

Arghh !

2 more days till pay day, pulling myself together and praying hard that I'll use money wisely. Financially, plan well and please, please - try not to go over the allocated budget.

To make matters worst, bought a new wireless mouse today thinking that the previous one gone had kaput. Little did I know, change to a better-brand battery and the whole thing could have still work.

Arghh !

Damn dumb-blonde moment. Now I have like 1 additional mouse to use ? Shove it in my ass better.



Da Closet Guy said...

... always pay yourself first. Set aside an emergency fund and never use it unless it's a real emergency. I hope you have that. If not, it's never to late to start creating one (:

chaiminhuei said...

I always use PS/2 corded mice. Hang in there though!

Twohornschild said...

Well at least you realize it. Just in time.

Le Chatelier said...

Stop eating dinner!!!

Jason's Corner said...

I always realised I over-spent when I looked at my credit card bill. And that's always too late liao. >.<

I have the exact same mouse. It's quite durable. I'm always dropping it, but it's still functional. Hehe...

Ash Godiva said...

did you tried to change the battery first before purchased the new one?

Chen Xing said...

@Da Closet Guy: Yes, sir. Got emergency fund and hopefully can double up the fund soon.


**You sound like financial advisor. Teach me master !!!


@chaiminhuei: Thanks. Corded as to those with cables ?

@two horns child: Yup. :)

@Le Chatelier: Hahah, if I'd to do that, I'll be as thin as a stick.

Hehe, or maybe I should ? Hmm...

@Jason's Corner: Lol, coincident. Am still getting use to the "motion" of the mouse.

@Ash Godiva: I did and it worked for a while then went kaput.