It happened few weeks back, and I would say that's the peak of it. Him: So my first question to you. What's your sexual role ? ...

Because life is indeed colorful
It happened few weeks back, and I would say that's the peak of it. Him: So my first question to you. What's your sexual role ? ...
Finally, the last Friday indeed was the deadline for me. Made the decision which was given to me earlier that week. Took few days to think...
The state of mind when you are calm. The past weekend, I vowed to myself that I should go pray. Pray more, to find the inner peace with...
Despite the happy happy good news, I am seriously not feeling this week in my work at all. That's what work & career is doing to m...
Thought when he's no longer interested in me... He came right back to my sight. After nearly 2 weeks of pursuing, I have decided to ...
Ask, and you shall be given. A quote which I heard from one of the shows I watched. Simple. If there are problems set in your mind, do...
I have been really emotional the past weeks. May it be work wise or personal wise - got upset real easily. People around me no longer in...
If you were to ask me, I'll be honest. The past week is just nothing more than work. Been thinking once again, and somehow I must no...
The Rose Quartz. Pale pastel pinkish stone. It is believed that, this will projects the vibration of love energy when carry it around wi...
Yes, let's be cryptic about it. Am tired, and I really don't know why it always turned out to be me being eager. Always, impatie...