Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Smile and pose for the camera. Flash! Flash!

So last Merdeka eve I went clubbing. Surrounded by mostly men, all of us danced all night long tough the music wasn't really that inspiring to channel my inner diva out on the the dance floor. I saw lots of familiar faces. From those I've seen through their Facebook profile till those pictures of theirs in the gay social network site.

Always that preppy and image well groomed. But then when I looked at them face to face in real life, my heart wasn't so eager anymore as what I see in picture and in real life was not the same at all. It made me think of all kind of things people would do to the extreme in order to project a like-able image.

Some will play with angles while taking pictures and only published those considered the "best" while some will resort to using Photoshop to edit the obvious flaws. I think it's alright, as long as it don't change you to a complete different person. What to do, human eyes are attracted to look at beautiful things naturally.

Now that you know, I will have to admit that methods above apply to me as well. Playing with angles and photo-editing my pictures. Can't help it, as I find it pleasuring.
01 Sep 2010