Sunday, February 16, 2014

Am not dead.

Ever since I got back from my long Chinese New Year holidays, a lot had happened.

Somewhat I got a little depress, and I questioned the decision I made.

The major highlight would be that, I have been transferred to a new office (my own decision) & already spent a week there. Hence, explains why I didn't log-in here that often the weeks.

It was kind of sudden transfer. They needed people, and I am available. So here am I, new place, new environment & with the same Client.

Of course Clients were all happy as there's a familiar face. But for me, I can just sigh, work & let the days go by quickly.

Thankfully, it's only for 6 months duration (after that both party can review whether to continue or not). For sure, I'll be there for 6 months. After that, I just can't wait to go back to my second home, my old office.

Till then, it's for the love of the money - that's why I am doing this.
16 Feb 2014


are-5th said...

i need to do sth to get out of my rut ... huhuhuh

Twohornschild said...

Hey, stay strong there eh? Found any excitement in the new area yet?

Chen Xing said...

@are-5th: I just did, 1 month away from this space.

Did yours already ? Hehe.

Anyway, am sorry for the long-awaited reply.

Sorry !

@two horns child: Thanks a lot. New area, sigh...I think my latest entry explains it all.

Not really that positive I would say.
