It's been kind of emotional the past week. Two things keep on surfacing in my mind: Car & House I seriously couldn't figure ...

Because life is indeed colorful
It's been kind of emotional the past week. Two things keep on surfacing in my mind: Car & House I seriously couldn't figure ...
I am not a big fan of being comfortable. As much as we strive for comfort in life, I strongly believe that a comfortable life will need t...
A blogger did a Throwback-Thursday entry, story-ing the discovery of his sexuality way back during his childhood days. Since there's ...
Here's the thing with alcohol & happy hour. I know it's great moment to spend time with friends or colleagues. Yes, the goss...
Not quite sure whether it's over sleeping or not getting enough of sleep. Been feeling kind of dizzy during the daytime, especially in...
OMG ! Gaining back the momentum. Or would I say, I am back !!! Yea, am just all thrilled up as the past 2 days had been kind of blast. ...
Yup, it was pouring just now in the morning. Felt tipsy the night before. Initially, what was thought to be a quick discussion turned ou...
Yeah, finally the bestie is joining the KL work-scene. Excited, and can't wait for his arrival. Definitely going to throw a welcome ...
Ok, this is rather random. So, I was at IKEA just now earlier in the evening. Basically to hunt for a floor light or floor lamp. Whichev...