High ecstasy, he put his mouth into you while you placed both hands on his head and gained control of the rhythm. He followed excitedly...

Because life is indeed colorful
High ecstasy, he put his mouth into you while you placed both hands on his head and gained control of the rhythm. He followed excitedly...
The kissing was indeed an explosion of erotic moment. A post foreplay session, after the sex. Bursting love into his mouth, touching ton...
You must never ask. No details to spare, a non-verbal engagement. Putting you and him, in an enclosed space. Dimming the lights, nic...
So, I was at the H&M pre-launch event the past Thursday evening. Oh my, oh my. I am just loving it so much in there. Simply because,...
Life sucks when you have lollipops. Don't you think so ?
So, along the way... you got to know a guy. You guys chatted, and a relationship with him is formed. Yes, you are officially in a relati...
It's always like this. Every time when you have decided to go on a break, work will just keep pouring in like a running water tab. I...
Ok, but it's already 10 days into September. Am sort of laughing as I am typing this entry. Somehow, September isn't really a bad ...
2 weeks. And I am finally done reading the Fifty Shades trilogy. Sigh...now my nights & weekends going to be empty once again. It...
Which one comes first ? So, here's the thing that has always been on my mind and it's not that I am close to feel the below situat...
The heat is overwhelming unbearable. Oh well, am in this tropical country where by the sun rays to hit directly onto the surface. Burnt ! ...